阿曼官方通訊社 (ONA) 還報道稱,2022年1月阿曼政府的收入增長了85.2%,達到8.033億里亞爾,而去年同期為4.33 億里亞爾。
郝芬 譯自 中東商業情報網
Oman achieves budget surplus on higher oil prices
Muscat has issued a statement saying that the sultanate achieved a budget surplus during January this year thanks to high oil and gas prices.
Oman reported a surplus of RO18m in January 2022, compared to a deficit of RO282.9m in January 2021.
The official Oman News Agency (ONA) also reported that the Omani government’s revenues increased by 85.2 per cent to RO803.3m in January 2022, compared to RO433.7m during the period last year.
Figures released by the Ministry of Finance show a 9.59 per cent rise in general spending, which was RO785.3m in January this year, compared to RO716.6m in January 2021.
The price of Brent crude averaged $86.5 a barrel during January 2022. In January 2021 the average was $97.1 a barrel.
On 7 March the price reached $138 a barrel.