北海布倫特原油5月份交割價在格林威治標準時間23點左右電子交易開盤后不久達到 139.13美元,朝著2008年的歷史高點邁進,隨后一小時略有回落。
祝精燕 摘譯自 德干先驅(qū)報
Brent crude nears $140/barrel, close to all-time high
Brent oil prices soared to a near 14-year high of $140 on Sunday.
Brent North Sea crude oil for May delivery reached $139.13 shortly after electronic trading opened around 2300 GMT, heading towards a 2008 record high before retreating slightly over the next hour. The European benchmark crude hit its record price of $147.50 per barrel in July 2008.
By 0030 GMT, Brent crude had dropped a little more to $128.77 per barrel -- 9.02 per cent higher than its closing price on Friday.
The price per barrel of Brent oil has increased 33 per cent since February 24.
New York's benchmark West Texas Intermediate oil also soared Sunday to $130.50 per barrel for April delivery. It, too, then dropped slightly over the next hour and a half.
By 0030 GMT, WTI crude was at $125.15 per barrel, an 8.18 per cent increase from its closing price on Friday.