據NS Energy網站3月22日消息,穆巴達拉(Mubadala)石油公司及其合作伙伴馬來西亞國家石油公司和殼牌沙撈越公司已在馬來西亞水域SK 320區塊的Pegaga氣田生產了第一批天然氣。
Pegaga氣田位于中盧科尼亞省中部,水深約108米。其開發理念包括一個集成中央處理平臺 (ICPP)。
穆巴達拉石油公司擁有SK 320區塊55%的經營股權。馬來西亞國家石油公司通過其子公司擁有25%的股權,而砂拉越殼牌公司擁有馬來西亞近海區塊剩余20%的股權。
穆巴達拉石油公司首席執行官Mansoor Mohamed Al Hamed說:“Pegaga的成就是穆巴達拉石油公司的一個里程碑。在馬來西亞石油管理公司(MPM)、馬來西亞國家石油公司、我們的合作伙伴和承包商的支持下,這個項目從發現到開發,再到現在投入生產,這證明了我們作為能源供應商的強大能力、韌性和承諾。”
馬來西亞國家石油公司石油管理高級副總裁Mohamed Firouz Asnan表示:“該項目在2018 年石油市場仍在復蘇之際做出了最終投資決定,這表明投資者對馬來西亞上游行業的信心。
祝精燕 摘譯自 NS Energy
Mubadala begins production from Pegaga gas field, offshore Malaysia
Mubadala Petroleum and its partners Petronas and Sarawak Shell have produced the first gas from the Pegaga gas field in Block SK 320 in Malaysian waters.
According to Mubadala Petroleum, Pegaga will be an important producing field that will supply gas to Petronas LNG Complex in Bintulu in the Malaysian state of Sarawak.
Located in the Central Luconia province, the Pegaga gas field lies in a water depth of around 108m. Its development concept includes an integrated central processing platform (ICPP) that features an eight-legged jacket.
Mubadala Petroleum has an operating stake of 55% in the SK 320 block. Petronas, through its subsidiary Petronas Carigali, has a 25% stake, while Sarawak Shell owns the remaining 20% interest in the offshore Malaysian block.
Mubadala Petroleum CEO Mansoor Mohamed Al Hamed said: “The Pegaga achievement is a landmark for Mubadala Petroleum. Having taken this project from discovery to development and now into production with the support of Malaysia Petroleum Management (MPM), Petronas, our partners and contractors, this demonstrates our deep capabilities, resilience and commitment as an energy provider.
“With our strategic focus on gas as a key bridge fuel in the energy transition, this achievement reflects our ambition for the future as a long-term investor and strategic energy partner.”
The Pegaga platform can handle a gas throughput of 550 million standard cubic feet (MMscfd) of gas per day along with condensate.
The gas produced from the Pegaga gas field will be sent via a new 4km, 38-inch underwater pipeline that ties into an existing offshore gas network and eventually to the onshore Petronas LNG Complex.
Petronas Malaysia petroleum management senior vice president Mohamed Firouz Asnan said: “The project, which undertook its Final Investment Decision at a time when the oil market was still recovering in 2018, demonstrates the confidence of investors in Malaysia’s upstream industry.
“The country’s ecosystem also proved its resiliency with the successful design and fabrication of facilities completed during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Petronas said that beyond the Pegaga gas field, the company is implementing its Upstream Ambition 2030 plan to boost the production level of Malaysia to two million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) from its present level of around 1.8 million boepd by developing various opportunities in the pipeline.