據美國鉆井網站 2022年3月21日報道,貝克休斯公司3月18日發布的最新旋轉鉆機數量顯示,北美地區在3月18日結束的一周內減少了30部旋轉鉆機。
貝克休斯公司強調,加拿大一周內減少了30部在用鉆機數量,這是導致北美地區每周鉆機數量下降的主要原因。 貝克休斯公司的最新數據顯示,美國減少了一部陸上鉆機,增加了一部海上鉆機,使得每周鉆機總數持平。
根據貝克休斯公司的最新統計,目前北美地區在用鉆機總數為839部,其中美國66部,加拿大176部。 美國的鉆機總數包括648部陸上鉆機,12部海上鉆機和3部內陸水域鉆機,其中524部石油鉆機,137部天然氣鉆機和2部油氣混合鉆機。 加拿大的在用鉆機數量由103部石油鉆機和73部天然氣鉆機組成。
從一年前的數據來看,北美的鉆機數量增加了336部,其中252部來自美國,84部來自加拿大。 貝克休斯公司的數據顯示,在美國新增的鉆機中,有206部是石油鉆機,45部是天然氣鉆機,還有一部是油氣混合鉆機。 加拿大新增的鉆機包括62部石油鉆機和22部天然氣鉆機。
李峻 編譯自 美國鉆井網站
North America Drops 30 Rigs in a Week
North America dropped 30 rigs week on week, according to Baker Hughes’ latest rotary rig count, which was released on March 18.
The weekly drop was driven by Canada, which lowered its total rig count by 30 week on week, Baker Hughes highlighted. The U.S. dropped one land rig and added one offshore rig, leaving its total weekly rig count flat, Baker Hughes’ latest count showed.
North America’s total rig count now stands at 839, comprising 663 rigs in the U.S. and 176 rigs in Canada, according to Baker Hughes’ latest count. The U.S. rig count is shown to be made up of 648 land rigs, 12 offshore rigs and three inland water rigs, comprising 524 oil rigs, 137 gas rigs and two miscellaneous rigs. Canada’s rig count is shown to be made up of 103 oil rigs and 73 gas rigs.
Looking at year ago figures, North America’s rig count has increased by 336 rigs, with 252 of these coming from the U.S. and 84 coming from Canada. Of the U.S. additions, 206 are oil rigs, 45 are gas rigs and one is a miscellaneous rig, Baker Hughes’ data shows. Canada’s additions comprise 62 oil rigs and 22 gas rigs.