Oanda Asia Pacific Pte的高級市場分析師Jeffrey Halley說:“看起來亞洲買家正在利用較低的價格。戰爭仍在繼續,制裁正在收緊,因此即使發布了這些戰略石油儲備,石油供應仍然存在結構性短缺。”
倫敦上午7點02分,紐約商品交易所5月交割的西得克薩斯中質原油價格上漲1.7% 至每桶97.84美元。
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Oil snaps back after sliding on back of IEA reserve release plan
West Texas Intermediate rose toward $98 a barrel after retreating by more than $5 on Wednesday after the International Energy Agency said that U.S. allies will deploy 60 million barrels from stockpiles. That’s on top of the 180 million-barrel release already announced.
Oil has been wracked by intense volatility over the past six weeks . In response to the war, Washington and its allies have been trying to punish Russia economically, while also moving to stem the rise in energy prices that’s fanning already-elevated inflation. The scale of the combined crude releases is unprecedented.
“It looks like Asian buyers are taking advantage of lower prices,” said Jeffrey Halley, a senior market analyst at Oanda Asia Pacific Pte. “The war is still going on, sanctions are tightening, and there is still a structural deficit in oil supplies because of that, even with these SPR releases.”
Oil traders were also assessing the consequences of a hawkish pivot from the Federal Reserve as policy makers rein in the support they deployed to cushion the impact of the pandemic. In addition to rate rises, the Fed signaled it will reduce its bond holdings at a maximum pace of $95 billion a month.
West Texas Intermediate for May delivery rose 1.7% to $97.84 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange at 7:02 a.m. in London.
Brent for June settlement climbed 1.9% to $103.00 a barrel on the ICE Futures Europe exchange after dropping 5.2% on Wednesday.
While oil markets are still in backwardation, a bullish pattern where near-term contracts are more expensive that later-dated ones, there’s been a significant narrowing of key differentials in recent days as traders reassess the outlook. Brent’s prompt spread — the gap between its two nearest contracts — was 89 cents a barrel in backwardation, down from $3.20 a week ago.