據烴加工新聞3月31日消息稱,據美國能源信息署的月度報告,美國 1 月份石油產量下降 2%,至 2021 年 9 月以來的最低水平。
月度報告顯示,1 月份美國原油和石油產品需求下降至 1970 萬桶/日,為 2021 年 4 月以來的最低水平。報告稱,成品車用汽油需求降至約 800 萬桶/日,為 2021 年 2 月以來最低。
EIA 在其月度 914 產量報告中表示,1 月份美國 48 個州的月度天然氣總產量下降 29 億立方英尺至1055億立方英尺/天,這是自2021年9月以來的最低水平。
曹海斌 摘譯自 油氣新聞
U.S. oil output fell 2% in Jan to lowest since Sept –EIA
U.S. oil production fell in January by 2% to the lowest since September 2021, according to a monthly report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Oil production fell to 11.4 million barrels per day (bpd) in January from 11.6 million barrels per day the month prior, the report showed.
Production in Texas fell to 4.9 million bpd, lowest since August 2021, while output in New Mexico fell to 1.3 million bpd, lowest since July 2021.
Demand for U.S. crude and petroleum products fell in January to 19.7 million bpd, the lowest since April 2021, the monthly report showed. Demand for finished motor gasoline fell to about 8 million bpd, lowest since February 2021, the report said.
Monthly gross natural gas production in the U.S. Lower 48 states dropped 2.9 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) to 105.5 bcfd in January, its lowest since September 2021, the EIA said in its monthly 914 production report.