據油田技術4月13日消息,墨菲石油公司已經從位于墨西哥灣深水區的Khaleesi、Mormont和Samurai油田開發項目中獲得了第一批石油,生產已開始通過墨菲操作的浮式生產系統(King's Quay FPS)進行。
該項目包括分別位于Green Canyon 389和478區塊的 Khaleesi / Mormont 油田,以及位于 Green Canyon432區塊的Samurai油田。七口井項目的其余五口井正在進行完井作業。
總裁兼首席執行官Roger W. Jenkins說:“自從我們在2019年年中收購Khaleesi / Mormont 資產并將我們對Samurai的發現整合到整體開發中以來,這一直是我們的戰略項目。在應對 COVID-19大流行的挑戰的同時,按計劃在預算范圍內完成第一批石油,展示了我們行業領先的海上執行能力的競爭優勢。我為我們團隊在過去三年中在制造和安裝King's Quay FPS和我們的海底出油管系統以及鉆井和完井方面所取得的成就感到自豪。預計即將上線的生產將產生大量的自由現金流,這將使我們能夠繼續減少6 億至 6.5 億美元的債務,并在2023年實現高達10億美元的可選性去杠桿化,同時審查我們的股息。我期待墨西哥灣的產量持續增長,因為其余的油井將在2022年全年投產。”
祝精燕 摘譯自 油田技術
Murphy Oil achieves first oil at deepwater Gulf of Mexico project
Murphy Oil Corp. has achieved first oil from the Khaleesi, Mormont and Samurai field development project in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, as production has begun flowing through the Murphy-operated King’s Quay floating production system (King’s Quay FPS).
The project is comprised of the Khaleesi / Mormont fields in Green Canyon blocks 389 and 478, respectively, and the Samurai field, located in Green Canyon Block 432. Completions operations are ongoing for the remaining five wells in the seven-well project.
“This has been a strategic project of ours since we acquired the Khaleesi / Mormont assets in mid-2019 and integrated our Samurai discovery into the overall development. Achieving first oil on schedule and within budget, while managing the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, illustrates the competitive advantage of our industry-leading offshore execution ability. I am proud of our team’s accomplishments these past three years with the fabrication and installation of the King’s Quay FPS and our subsea flowline systems, as well as drilling and completing the wells,” said Roger W. Jenkins, President and Chief Executive Officer. “The production coming online is forecast to generate significant free cash flow, which will allow us to continue to delever with $600 to $650 million of targeted debt reduction this year and the optionality of up to $1 billion in 20231, while simultaneously reviewing our dividend. I look forward to the ongoing production growth from the Gulf of Mexico as the remainder of the wells come online throughout 2022.”