據美國鉆井網站2022年4月18日報道, 美國能源情報署(EIA)在其最近發布的4月份《短期能源展望(STEO)》報告中下調了其對今明兩年布倫特原油現貨平均價格的預測。
展望2023年,EIA在其最新STEO報告中上調了布倫特原油現貨平均價格預測。 EIA在其4月份的STEO報告中預計布倫特原油現貨平均價格平均為每桶92.57美元,而3月份的STEO預計明年布倫特原油現貨價格平均為每桶88.98美元。
EIA在STEO中補充道:“原油價格上漲。 對石油供應進一步中斷的可能性造成了巨大的市場不確定性。 這些事件發生在低石油庫存和持續上漲的油價壓力的背景下。”
在最新的STEO報告中,EIA概述稱,預計今年第二季度布倫特原油平均價格將為每桶108美元,在今年下半年平均價格將為每桶102美元,隨后在明年下降。 然而,EIA強調,這一價格預測“高度不確定”。
李峻 編譯自 美國鉆井網站
USA Energy Body Lowers 2022 Brent Oil Price Forecast
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) lowered its 2022 Brent spot average price forecast in its April Short Term Energy Outlook (STEO) report, which was released recently.
According to the latest STEO, the EIA now sees Brent spot prices averaging $103.37 per barrel this year, which marks a near $2 drop from its previous 2022 Brent spot price average price forecast of $105.22 per barrel, which was made in the EIA’s March STEO.
Looking ahead to 2023, the EIA increased its Brent spot price forecast in its latest STEO. The organization’s April STEO sees Brent spot prices averaging $92.57 per barrel, while its March STEO saw Brent spot prices averaging $88.98 per barrel.
“The Brent crude oil spot price averaged $117 per barrel in March, a $20 per barrel increase from February,” the EIA stated in its April STEO.
“Crude oil prices increased following and other actions contributed to falling oil production in Russia and created significant market uncertainties about the potential for further oil supply disruptions. These events occurred against a backdrop of low oil inventories and persistent upward oil price pressures,” the EIA added in the STEO.
In its latest STEO, the EIA outlined that it expects the Brent price will average $108 per barrel in the second quarter of 2022 and $102 per barrel in the second half of 2022, before falling next year. The organization highlighted, however, that this price forecast was “highly uncertain”.