據世界天然氣4月23日消息稱,韓國天然氣公司 (KOGAS) 與英國石油天然氣公司bp簽署了購買美國液化天然氣的長期合同。
該協議是一份為期18年的Henry Hub液化天然氣銷售和購買協議。KOGAS表示,希望借此為穩定國內天然氣價格作出貢獻。
本月早些時候,這家韓國公司還與美國能源公司 Sempra Infrastructure達成協議,共同實現全球低碳、零碳能源轉型。
曹海斌 摘譯自 世界天然氣
KOGAS and BP sign long-term US LNG supply deal
Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) has signed a long-term contract with British oil and gas company BP for the purchase of US LNG.
This deal is a Henry Hub LNG sale and purchase agreement for up to 18 years. KOGAS said it wants to contribute to stabilising domestic gas prices with it.
Under the SPA, BP Singapore will deliver 1.58 million tonnes of LNG per year to South Korea starting in 2025. The volume is equivalent to about 3 per cent of annual domestic consumption. The LNG will come from the U.S., which includes Freeport LNG.
This contract is the result of an international LNG competitive bidding that KOGAS conducted to secure competitive LNG volume in 2018. It also follows the 20-year agreement with Qatar from July 2021 for the purchase of 2 mtpa of LNG.
In addition, as the first long-term contract signed by KOGAS with BP, it serves as a catalyst for strengthening the cooperation between the two companies.
Earlier this month, the Korean firm also entered into a deal with U.S. energy company Sempra Infrastructure to cooperate in the global energy transition to lower and zero-carbon fuels.