據海上工程師網2022年5月25日報道,美國海上油氣生產商塔洛斯能源公司(Talos Energy)周二表示,由于大型石油公司為了脫碳而剝離資產,塔洛斯能源公司有興趣從石油巨頭手中收購新的石油產量。
塔洛斯能源公司成立于10年前,通過大約12次并購,它已成為墨西哥灣最大的海上油氣運營商之一。 塔洛斯能源公司還通過在美國墨西哥灣沿岸的碳捕獲和儲存設施擴展業務。
5月24日,塔洛斯能源公司與雪佛龍公司達成了一項合資協議,以擴大得克薩斯州杰弗遜縣海上Bayou Bend碳捕獲和儲存項目。雪佛龍公司承諾向該項目投資5000萬美元,獲得50%的股權,而塔洛斯能源公司將成為該項目運營商,持有25%的股權。
李峻 編譯自 海上工程師網
Talos Energy Looking to Buy Offshore Fields from Oil Majors
Offshore oil and gas producer Talos Energy on Tuesday said it was interested in scooping up new production, particularly as major oil companies shed assets in a bid to decarbonize.
"We're a natural consolidator, particularly when you think about the Gulf of Mexico," Chief Executive Officer Tim Duncan said on Tuesday during an analyst day.
Formed just a decade ago, Talos has become one of the largest offshore oil and gas operators in the Gulf of Mexico through roughly a dozen mergers and acquisitions. The company also is expanding through carbon capture and sequestration facilities along the U.S. Gulf Coast.
"The majors are going to decarbonize and we want to be available for the right M&A deal at the right spot," said Duncan, adding that the company would look at opportunities around Brazil and West Africa.
Talos on Tuesday closed on a joint venture with Chevron Corp (CVX.N) and Carbonvert to expand the Bayou Bend carbon capture and sequestration project offshore of Jefferson County, Texas. Chevron committed $50 million to the project, giving it 50% equity interest, while Talos, with a 25% stake, will be the operator.
While many onshore oil and gas companies have restrained spending and growth to focus instead on shareholder returns, Duncan said Talos would continue to expand its oil business.
"We're not running away from that," he told investors.