Alfanar的Lighthouse Green Fuels項目將把殘余固體廢物轉化為可持續航空燃料 (SAF) 和綠色石腦油。該項目將處理約100萬噸/年的剩余固體廢物,如城市固體廢物、垃圾衍生燃料或固體回收燃料,制成約3200桶/天的SAF和綠色石腦油。
沃利總裁Bradley Andrews解釋說:“我們與Alfanar在這個重要項目上的合作將有助于航空和公路運輸的脫碳。”“該項目旨在制造比現有化石燃料少產生80%溫室氣體的燃料,這可能會減少30萬噸/年的排放。如果再加上碳捕獲和存儲(CCS)技術,該工廠的產量可以超過75萬噸/年。”
曹海斌 摘譯自 烴加工新聞
Worley awarded low-carbon fuels contract
Worley has been awarded a front-end engineering and design (FEED) services contract by Alfanar for a low-carbon fuels project in Teesside, UK.
Alfanar’s Lighthouse Green Fuels project will convert residual solid waste into sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and green naphtha. The project will process around 1 million tpy of residual solid waste – such as municipal solid waste, refuse-derived fuel or solid recovered fuel – into around 3200 bbl/d of SAF and green naphtha.
“Our work with Alfanar on this important project will contribute to the decarbonisation of air and road transportation,” explained Bradley Andrews, President at Worley. “The project aims to make fuel which produces 80 percent fewer greenhouse gases than current fossil fuels, which could potentially save over 300 000 tpy of emissions. When coupled with carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology the plant could achieve in excess of 750 000 tpy.”
The plant is expected to enter commercial operations in 2027, following the scheduled start-up of the first Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) carbon cluster in Teesside.