統計數據顯示,沙比克第二季度凈利潤總計79.3億沙特里亞爾(21.1億美元)。 沙比克表示,這一數字高于上一季度的凈利潤64.7億里亞爾和去年第二季度的凈利潤76.4億里亞爾。
沙比克副董事長兼首席執行官Yousef Abdullah Al-Benyan表示:“第二季度強勁的財務業績表明,沙比克在不同領域的運營表現強勁。我們在享有盛譽的愛迪生獎中獲得兩項銀獎和三項銅獎,體現了我們對可持續發展和創新的承諾。這些獎項也反映了我們致力于幫助實現到2050年前碳中和的長期目標。”
在整個第二季度,沙比克還在繼續創新其產品。今年5月,沙比克推出了一種新的升級回收LNP ELCRIN IQ樹脂,由海洋塑料垃圾制成,以幫助減少污染,支持全球循環經濟。沙比克還宣布了一種新的水泥增強解決方案——炭黑等級為N330——將改善沙特阿拉伯王國未來的混凝土基礎設施的質量和強度。
今年6月,沙比克推出了Bluehero,這是一個集成的汽車產品和服務組合,旨在加快世界能源向電力的過渡。此外,在2022年倫敦電動方程式賽車大獎賽(Formula E-prix)之前,沙比克與世界上第一項零凈賽車大獎賽——方程式E- prix——建立了長期創新合作關系。
李峻 編譯自 阿拉伯貿易網
Sabic net income increases to $2.11bn in Q2
Saudi Basic Industries Corporation's (Sabic) revenue for the second quarter reached SR55.98 ($14.93 billion), representing an increase of 6% compared to the previous quarter and a 32% increase year-on-year.
Net income during the second quarter totaled SR7.93 billion ($2.11 billion). This is higher than both the net income of SR6.47 billion in the previous quarter and the net income of SR7.64 billion in the second quarter of 2021, said the company.
Yousef Abdullah Al-Benyan, Sabic’s Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said: “The second quarter strong financial results demonstrates Sabic’s robust operational performance across the different segments. Our commitment to sustainability and innovation was evident through winning two silver and three bronze awards in the prestigious Edison Awards. These awards also reflect our commitment to helping achieve our long-term objective of carbon neutrality by 2050."
Al-Benyan continued: “Distributing dividends to our shareholders remains a priority for Sabic. In June 2022, Sabic’s board approved a cash dividend distribution of SR2.25 per share for the first half of 2022, approximately 29 % higher than the cash dividend distribution of SR1.75 per share for the first half of 2021."
To maintain the company’s growth and marketing momentum, Sabic continued to invest in sustainable business solutions and strategic partnerships that deliver innovative technology to customers around the world.
Among the major developments this quarter in its Truecircle portfolio of circular products and services were the launch of the world’s first packaging-label materials made from polypropylene based on advanced recycled ocean-bound plastic. In July, Sabic also obtained the world’s first independent certification recognising “blue" ammonia production.
Sabic also continued to innovate its products throughout the course of the second quarter. In May, it introduced a new upcycled LNP ELCRIN IQ resin made with ocean-bound plastic waste to help reduce pollution and support a global circular economy. The company also announced a new cement enhancement solution – carbon black grade N330 – that will improve the quality and strength of future concrete-based infrastructure in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
In June, Sabic introduced Bluehero, an integrated portfolio of automotive products and services aimed at accelerating the world’s energy transition to electric power. Moreover, Sabic launched a long-term innovation partnership with Formula E, the world’s first net-zero sport, ahead of the 2022 London E-Prix, where SABIC debuted its title sponsorship of the race.
Over the course of the reporting period, Sabic strongly delivered on its Corporate Social Responsibility objectives, investing $19.2 million across 45 different programmes.