該協議建立在兩家公司之間的長期合作關系之上。他們已經成功地在殼牌位于英國諾福克的巴克頓天然氣接收站合作建立了一個電池存儲工廠,并于2022年3月完成了殼牌在荷蘭的三個太陽能發電廠中的最后一個開發:在埃曼的一個12兆瓦功率的太陽能發電廠,在弗萊斯蘭的一個14兆瓦功率的太陽能發電廠,以及在Sas Van Gent的一個30兆瓦功率的太陽能發電廠。
殼牌英國陸上電力負責人Lukas Fleming表示:“殼牌正在建立一個橫跨發電的業務,為英國的家庭和企業提供清潔能源供應。從Anesco收購這四個太陽能項目意味著我們可以幫助滿足英國客戶對可再生能源日益增長的需求。”
曹海斌 摘譯自 能源全球
Shell confirms plans to purchase portfolio of new build solar capacity in the UK
Shell is working towards the purchase of four solar farm projects with a total capacity of 100 MW, currently being developed by Anesco. Located in North Wales, Chester, South Northamptonshire, and North Lincolnshire, UK, the sites have been developed by Anesco over the past 18 months and are currently in the final stages of planning. Renewable power generated from these projects will be supplied to UK customers through power purchase agreements (PPA).
The agreement builds on a long-standing relationship between the two companies. They have successfully collaborated on a battery storage plant at Shell’s Bacton gas terminal site in Norfolk, UK, and in March 2022, Anesco completed development of the third in a trio of solar farms for Shell in the Netherlands: a 12 MWp array in Emmen, a 14 MWp solar farm in Friesland, and a 30 MWp solar installation in Sas Van Gent.
Lukas Fleming, Head onshore Power, Shell UK, said: “Shell is building a business that spans the generation, trading a supply of clean energy to homes and businesses here in the UK. Acquisition of these four solar energy projects from Anesco will mean we can help meet more of the growing demand for renewable power from our UK customers.”
Shell has set a global target to be a net zero emissions energy business by 2050, and has plans to invest up to £25 billion in the UK energy system over the next decade, subject to board approval. Increasing renewable power generation is key to both delivery of Shell’s strategy and to support the UK in meeting its net zero 2050 ambition.