據海上工程師網2022年9月6日報道, 全球第3大油田服務公司美國貝克休斯周二表示,貝克休斯公司將從10月1日起簡化公司組織結構,將業務部門從4個減少到2個。
李峻 編譯自 海上工程師網
Baker Hughes to Restructure Organization into Two Units
Oilfield services firm Baker Hughes Co said on Tuesday it will simplify its organizational structure by reducing its business units to two from four, starting October 1.
The company added it expects to deliver at least $150 million in cost savings.
The Houston, Texas-based firm said it will combine its Oilfield Services and Oilfield Equipment units to form Oilfield Services & Equipment. Maria Claudia Borras will be the Executive Vice President (EVP) of the unit.
It will also create an Industrial & Energy Technology unit by merging its Turbomachinery & Process Solutions and Digital Solutions businesses. Rod Christie will be the EVP of the unit.