Energean表示,初步估計Hermes井的可采天然氣資源在70億至150億立方米之間。使用Stena IceMax鉆井船進行鉆探,現在該船已移動到第12區塊鉆探Zeus結構。
曹海斌 摘譯自 鉆機地帶
Energean Makes Gas Discovery Offshore Israel
Oil and gas company Energean has made a commercial gas discovery in the Hermes exploration well offshore Israel.
Energean said that the preliminary estimate in the Hermes well find was between 7 and 15 bcm of recoverable natural gas resources. It was drilled using the Stena IceMax drillship which has now moved to block 12 to drill the Zeus structure.
The company added that a detailed analysis of the data collected by the well was ongoing, with the aim of refining volumetric estimates and potential commerciality for both the discovery and the full area.
The Hermes discovery has helped to de-risk the nearby Poseidon and Orpheus structures, which represent attractive potential future appraisal targets to fully assess the potential of the area around block 31.