根據馬來西亞國家石油公司提供的數據,在沙撈越州海岸以外海域獲得了8個石油和天然氣發現,在沙巴州和馬來西亞半島海岸以外海域各獲得了一個油氣發現。馬來西亞國家石油公司旗下的子公司Petronas Carigali在沙撈越州巴林基安省SK306區塊的Nahara-1井獲得了今年迄今最大的石油發現。
在沙撈越州的Central Luconia省、Western Luconia省和巴拉姆省也有發現,這些省都位于馬來西亞最多產的盆地中,也是馬拉西亞許多天然氣田的所在地。
李峻 編譯自 美國鉆井網站
Malaysian Hydrocarbon Discoveries Double In 2022
A total of 10 hydrocarbon discoveries have been made offshore Malaysia in 2022 – twice what was made last year – following the increase of exploration activities in the country.
According to data provided by Petronas, eight oil and gas discoveries were made off the coast of Sarawak, and one each off the coast of Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia. The largest oil discovery was made by Petronas Carigali at the Nahara-1 well in Block SK306 within Sarawak’s Balingian province.
Discoveries were also made in Sarawak’s Central Luconia, Western Luconia, and Baram provinces, which are among Malaysia’s most prolific basins and home to many gas fields in the country.