GlobalData石油和天然氣分析師Himani Pant Pandey評論道,由于脫碳努力以及天然氣作為能源轉型的橋梁燃料的作用,能源公司對長期液化天然氣需求持樂觀態度。長期合同的簽署還有助于企業對沖液化天然氣價格波動的風險,并確保供應有保障。
在賣方公司中,全球風投LNG公司(Venture Global LNG)簽署的長期LNG合同數量最高,總計1100萬噸/年。Energy Transfer Partners LP和NextDecade Corporation緊隨其后,分別為790萬噸/年和630萬噸/年。
郝芬 譯自 油氣新聞網
Shell leads global long-term LNG contract volumes in 2022
Royal Dutch Shell (Shell) dominated the global long-term LNG import contract volumes signed by key purchasing companies in 2022, with a contracted capacity of 6.7 million tonnes per annum (mtpa), according to GlobalData, a data and analytics company.
GlobalData’s report, “Long-Term LNG Contracts Review Analytics by Region, Contracts and Companies, 2022,” reveals that the biggest long-term contract signed by Shell in 2022 was with Mexico Pacific Limited LLC to procure 2.6 mtpa of natural gas. While Chevron and ExxonMobil entered into contracts to import 3.0 mtpa of LNG each.
Himani Pant Pandey, Oil and Gas Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Energy companies are bullish about long-term LNG demand due to decarbonisation efforts and the role of natural gas as a bridge fuel for the energy transition. The signing of long-term contracts also helps companies to hedge against volatile LNG prices and ensures guaranteed supply.”
Among the seller companies, Venture Global LNG signed the highest long-term LNG contract volumes with a total of 11.0 mtpa. Energy Transfer Partners LP and NextDecade Corporation follow with 7.9 mtpa and 6.3 mtpa, respectively.
Himani concludes: “Companies from the US such as the Venture Global LNG have led the signing of the long-term LNG contracts in 2022, as the country is witnessing significant liquefaction capacity additions creating ample opportunities for exports.”