據油氣新聞網1月30日報道,殼牌將合并其石油天然氣生產和液化天然氣(LNG)部門,這是首席執行官Wael Sawan自本月早些時候執掌這家能源巨頭以來的首次變革的一部分。
殼牌在一份聲明中表示,合并了殼牌最盈利業務的新部門將由現任上游總監Zoe Yujnovich領導。
該公司表示,根據內部重組,可再生能源業務將與由現任下游主管Huibert Vigeveno領導的殼牌煉油和營銷業務合并。
郝芬 譯自 油氣新聞網
Shell to combine LNG, upstream business in CEO'S overhaul
Shell will combine its oil and gas production and liquefied natural gas (LNG) divisions as part of CEO Wael Sawan's first changes since taking charge of the energy giant earlier this month.
The new division, which combines Shell's most profitable operations, will be headed by current upstream director Zoe Yujnovich, Shell said in a statement.
Sawan took office on January 1 after heading Shell's integrated gas division, which included Shell's LNG and renewables businesses, with a vow to simplify and improve the company's operations.
Under the internal restructure, renewables operations will be combined with Shell's oil refining and marketing operations led by current downstream director Huibert Vigeveno, the company said.
"Fewer interfaces mean greater cooperation, discipline and speed, enabling us to focus on strengthening performance across the businesses and generating strong returns for our investors," Sawan said in the statement.
The changes will take effect on July 1.
Shell last underwent a major overhaul in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 which saw then-CEO Ben van Beurden cut over 10 per cent of the company's workforce as part of his push to steer the company towards the energy transition.
The new overhaul will see Shell reduce the size of its executive committee to seven from nine members in an effort to "simplify the organisation further and improve performance".