量子能源基金管理公司(Quantum Energy Partners)首席執行官Wil VanLoh周二在接受采訪時表示,原油價格需要上漲約15%,達到每桶80美元,天然氣價格必須上漲三分之一以上,達到每百萬英熱單位3美元,才能維持目前的速度。由于擔心全球經濟放緩,石油和天然氣價格自2022年年中以來一直在下跌。
貝克休斯公司(Baker Hughes Co.)的數據顯示,自年初以來,石油和天然氣鉆井平臺的數量下降了3%,因為最大的頁巖勘探公司堅持承諾保持產量增長平穩,并將利潤返還給股東。
壽琳玲 編譯自 世界石油
Quantum Energy: U.S. shale drilling to drop 20% at current energy prices
U.S. shale may lose as much as 20% of its activity over the next year if energy prices hold at current levels, according to one of the biggest private equity players in the industry.
Crude would need to rise by about 15% to $80 a bbl, and gas would have to climb by more than a third to $3 per MMbtu for drilling and frack work to maintain its current pace, Quantum Energy Partners Chief Executive Officer Wil VanLoh said in an interview Tuesday. Oil and natural gas prices have slid since mid-2022 on fears of a global economic slowdown.
“There’s a risk of a pretty big rollover this year at these current prices,” said VanLoh, whose Houston-based firm has managed more than $20 billion since its 1998 inception. While publicly traded operators and closely held drillers both would drop rigs and frack crews, the private companies would cut back more because their balance sheets aren’t as strong, VanLoh said.
The number of rigs drilling for oil and gas has slipped 3% since the start of the year, according to Baker Hughes Co., as the biggest shale explorers stick to commitments to keep production growth flat and return profits to shareholders.