該公司在其網站上發布的一份聲明中指出,殼牌、卡塔爾能源和納米比亞國油(Namcor)“安全、成功地”結束了在PEL 0039許可證下鉆探Jonker-1X探井的作業。殼牌強調,該井的鉆井深度為6168米,水深為2210米,鉆井作業證實了輕質油油藏的存在。
殼牌是PEL 0039油田的運營商,擁有45%的開采權益。卡塔爾能源持有45%的股份,納米比亞國油持有剩余10%的股份。
殼牌納米比亞公司主席Dennis Zekveld在一份公司聲明中表示:“我們對進一步的深水發現感到鼓舞,這是我們在納米比亞的第三個發現,我們很高興確認井的安全結論。”
卡塔爾能源事務國務部長兼卡塔爾能源首席執行官Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi在評論這一發現時表示:“我們對這一令人鼓舞的發現感到高興。”
納米比亞國油上游勘探主管Victoria Sibeya也對這一發現發表了評論,他說:“我們希望借此機會祝賀我們的合作伙伴殼牌和卡塔爾能源安全鉆探Jonker-1X深水井。”
曹海斌 摘譯自 鉆機地帶
Shell Makes Deepwater Discovery Offshore Namibia
Shell revealed Monday that it has made another deepwater discovery offshore Namibia.
In a statement posted on its website, the company noted that it, QatarEnergy, and Namcor, “safely and successfully” concluded operations to drill exploration well Jonker-1X in the PEL 0039 license. The well was drilled to a total depth of 6,168 meters in a water depth of 2,210 meters, Shell highlighted, adding that drilling operations established the presence of a reservoir with light oil.
Further appraisal activities with dynamic data gathering are required to characterize the variability of rock properties and to determine the size and recoverable potential of the discovery, Shell said in the statement.
Shell is the operator of PEL 0039 with a 45 percent working interest. QatarEnergy also holds a 45 percent stake and Namcor holds the remaining 10 percent interest.
“We are encouraged by a further deepwater discovery, our third in Namibia, and pleased to confirm the safe conclusion of the well,” Dennis Zekveld, Shell’s Country Chair in Namibia, said in a company statement.
“Jonker again demonstrated the joint venture’s strong commitment to advancing oil and gas exploration in Namibia and to progressing follow-up opportunities after last year’s discoveries,” he added.
“We look forward to continuing our excellent collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Namibia,” he continued.
Commenting on the find, Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the Qatari Minister of State for Energy Affairs and the President and CEO of QatarEnergy, said, “we are pleased with this encouraging discovery”.
“I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our partners Shell and Namcor, and to congratulate and thank the Government of the Republic of Namibia, which has been very supportive of this exploration effort,” he added.
Also commenting on the discovery, Victoria Sibeya, Namcor’s executive of upstream exploration, said, “Namcor would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our partners Shell and QatarEnergy for safely drilling the Jonker-1X deepwater well”.