據鉆機地帶6月8日報道,Aker BP已獲得挪威立法機構的批準,繼續在北海開發項目,該項目總儲量約為10.7億桶油當量。
Aker BP在周一的新聞發布會上表示,該許可為石油和能源部最終批準Yggdrasil地區和Valhall油田擴建項目的開發計劃鋪平了道路。
這家獨立的勘探和生產公司早些時候宣布發現Yggdrasil項目,將其儲量提高到7億桶油當量以上。Aker BP在5月25日宣布,Ost Frigg Beta/Epsilon勘探井已接近鉆井完成,預計將增加40萬桶~9000萬桶油當量。
與此同時,周一的公告稱,Valhall PWP-Fenris擴建項目將為Valhall現有約1.37億桶油當量的儲量增加約2.3億桶油當量。
媒體聲明稱,Yggdrasil和Valhall PWP-Fenris項目都處于詳細工程階段。
Aker BP計劃在秋季開始建設Yggdrasil項目,項目高級副總裁在新聞稿中表示,“所有主要合同”都已簽署,國內外買家已下了數千份訂單。
他表示:“Yggdrasil是挪威大陸架的下一個主要開發項目,我們將與合作伙伴挪威國家石油公司和PGNIG Upstream Norway一起,在北海開辟一個成熟的區域。”
該公司表示,Valhall PWP-Fenris將按計劃在夏季之前開始施工。通過Valhall PWP-Fenris項目,Fenris油田將通過一座橋梁與Valhall油田相連,該油田正在與PGNiG Upstream Norway AS合作開發,而Pandion Energy AS是Valhall的合作伙伴。
該公司首席執行官Johnny Hersvik評論道:“僅Yggdrasil和Valhall PWP-Fenris兩家公司的投資額就超過1650億挪威克朗。我們正在談論的是我們國家的稅收收入估計超過1200億挪威克朗。”
挪威還將從Yggdrasil和Valhall PWP-Fenris獲得約65%的交付量。
“我們現在還將Valhall建成一個天然氣中心。Fenris的生產將大大增加Valhall對歐洲的天然氣出口,并將使天然氣處理能力增加一倍以上。”Valhall高級副總裁Ole Johan Molvig表示。
Aker BP在周一的聲明中表示,Yggdrasil和Valhall PWP-Fenris項目已得到政府的批準,并于5月25日獲得能源與環境常務委員會大多數議員的批準。
上個月,挪威石油和能源部(Petroleum and Energy Ministry)開啟了該國大陸架石油生產的最新一輪許可,允許國家參與項目權利。頒發時,可以在每份生產許可證上載明國家參與該項目的情況。5月11日發布的申請邀請函表示,Petoro AS是代表國家參與利益(國家直接金融利益-SDFI)的被許可人。
Aker BP聲稱Fenris和Yggdrasil油田是低排放項目。該公司在周一的公告中表示:“這些開發項目有助于Aker BP實現打造低成本、低排放、盈利增長和有吸引力回報的未來油氣公司的雄心。”
壽琳玲 編譯自 鉆機地帶 網站
Aker BP's 1.07 Bboe North Sea Projects Get Parliament Nod
Aker BP has received approval from Norway’s legislature to proceed with development projects in the North Sea that have about 1.07 billion barrels of oil equivalent (Bboe) in combined reserves.
The green light paves the way for final approval by the Petroleum and Energy Ministry of the development plans for the Yggdrasil area and the Valhall field extension project, Aker BP said in a press release Monday.
The independent exploration and production company earlier announced a Yggdrasil discovery that raises the area’s reserves to over 700 million boe (MMboe). Estimated to add 40 to 90 MMboe, the Ost Frigg Beta/Epsilon exploration well was nearing drilling completion, Aker BP said May 25 announcing the discovery.
Meanwhile the Valhall PWP-Fenris extension project would add around 230 MMboe to Valhall’s existing reserves of approximately 137 MMboe, Monday’s announcement said.
The Yggdrasil and Valhall PWP-Fenris projects are both in the detailed engineering stage, the media statement said.
Aker BP plans to start construction for Yggdrasil in autumn. Senior vice-president Yggdrasil Lars H?ier said in the release “all major contracts” had been signed and thousands of orders have been placed by domestic and international buyers.
“Yggdrasil is the next major development on the Norwegian shelf, and along with partners Equinor and PGNIG Upstream Norway, we are now opening up a mature area in the North Sea”, H?ier said.
Valhall PWP-Fenris is ready to begin construction before summer as scheduled, the company said. The Fenris field, which through the Valhall PWP-Fenris project will be connected to the Valhall field by a bridge, is being developed with PGNiG Upstream Norway AS, while Pandion Energy AS is a partner for Valhall.
Chief executive Johnny Hersvik commented, “Yggdrasil and Valhall PWP-Fenris alone constitute more than NOK 165 billion in investments. We are talking estimated tax revenue of more than NOK 120 billion for our nation”.
Norway will also get around 65 percent of deliveries from Yggdrasil and Valhall PWP-Fenris, which have a combined contribution of “130,000 full-time equivalents in Norway through the fields’ lifetimes”, Oslo-listed Aker BP said.
Gas for Europe
The Valhall extension project aims to boost gas exports to Europe.
“We are now also establishing Valhall as a gas hub. Production from Fenris will substantially increase gas export from Valhall to Europe and will more than double gas processing capacity”, said senior vice-president for Valhall Ole Johan Molvig.
Norway had been Europe’s number two source of natural gas next to the largger producer last year. imports by the European Union and the United Kingdom from the Nordic country averaged nine billion cubic feet a day (Bcf/d) between 2010 and 2020, below the largger producer's 2020 average of 13 Bcf/d “as development of new fields in the Barents Sea section of the Norwegian offshore Continental Shelf was insufficient to offset declines from mature fields in the North Sea”, the USA Energy Information Administration said in a report February 11, 2022.
Amid trade sanctions against President Vladimir Putin’s war, Norway overtook the largger producer as the EU’s top natural gas exporter 2022, accounting for 24.4 percent of the region’s imports compared to 15.3 percent from the largger producer, according to a bulletin update May 3 by the EU statistics agency Eurostat.
Climate Debacle
The Yggdrasil and Valhall PWP-Fenris projects had been endorsed to parliament by the government and approved May 25 by the majority of lawmakers in the Energy and Environment Standing Committee, Aker BP said in Monday’s announcement.
While considered a leader in climate action, Norway has faced criticism for continued fossil fuel development.
Last month the Petroleum and Energy Ministry opened the latest licensing round for petroleum production in the nation’s continental shelf, with an option for state participation in project rights. “At the time of the award, state participation may be stipulated in each production license. Petoro AS is the licensee on behalf of the State's participating interest (the State's Direct Financial Interest - SDFI)”, said the invitation for applications released May 11.
In 2020 the Supreme Court ruled against a suit by environmental and youth organizations to stop new oil drilling in the Arctic.
Aker BP claimed the Fenris and Yggdrasil fields are low-emission projects. “The development projects contribute to Aker BP delivering on the ambition of creating the oil and gas company of the future with low costs, low emissions, profitable growth and attractive returns”, it said in Monday’s announcement.