當然,這將導致更多的資產可供爭奪。 然而,買家越來越少,因為更多的潛在投資者關注資產的ESG概況,更喜歡能立即帶來現金增值的項目。
伍德麥肯茲分析師表示:“ESG對私人股本很重要,不僅僅是因為退出途徑。 一些私人股本基金直接感受到了來自其最終所有者--有限合伙人--的ESG壓力。 這些支持者通常包括養老基金等機構,其中許多機構越來越多地實現了自己的凈零軌跡。”
分析師說:“新進入者以及過去難以獲得足夠行業回報的投資者,不太可能涌入上游行業。 對于希望退出大量非核心頭寸的賣家來說,私募股權買家可能是一個選擇,但它們不太可能是萬靈藥。”
分析師指出,“在2021年期間,公司融資和執行收購的能力有了不可估量的提高--我們可以從越來越多的大型現金資產交易中清楚地看到這一點。 如果大宗商品價格保持高位,執行交易的能力就會一直提高到2022年。”
雷斯塔能源公司1月份曾表示,“交易渠道強勁,上游并購市場似乎將繼續走強,美國的并購交易可能仍將是全球并購交易價值的關鍵驅動力。 其他地區的大規模銷售也可能在今年實現,特別是如果主要公司繼續精簡他們的投資組合。”
Enverus表示:“在威利斯頓盆地 (巴肯盆地)和鷹福特盆地等其他更成熟的地區,大量高產資產可能會投放市場,價格可能具有吸引力,吸引公共和私人買家。”
不過,根據伍德麥肯茲發布的數據,交易估值預計將不會隨著油價和交易活動的上升而飆升。 這是因為在北美以外的地區,傳統買家的數量明顯減少,而且潛在買家仍然關注資本紀律,尤其是在北美,在私募股權領域更是如此。 此外,ESG和排放概況也將計入上游資產估值,因為潛在買家將衡量一些資產的高碳足跡風險。
李峻 編譯自 美國油價網
Mergers And Acquisitions To Spike Alongside Oil Prices
· With oil prices now firmly above $90 we will likely see a surge in deals in 2022, with the potential of M&A activity booking a multi-year high.
· While oil prices may be high, the pool of both public and private buyers is shrinking due to ESG concerns and questions surrounding the longevity of the industry.
· While higher oil prices are likely to drive more deals, the lower buyer pool around the world means the valuations of the deals are unlikely to jump.
Rallying oil prices have been driving increased mergers and acquisitions activity in the global upstream sector in recent quarters and are set to incentivize more deals in 2022.
Deal-making and high-value deals in the sector returned in 2021 as commodity prices rebounded, international majors moved to divest non-core assets, and U.S. shale producers consolidated and built quality inventories of assets.
If oil prices - currently at their highest since the autumn of 2014 - remain high, M&A activity has a good chance of booking a multi-year high this year, analysts say.
The U.S. shale patch will likely continue driving deals value globally, and private equity-backed firms will continue to be important players in the upstream M&A deals.
Yet, the new realities in the global upstream market suggest that private equity will not be the panacea for deal activity, although it will continue to be an option for companies looking to divest, Wood Mackenzie says.
Shrinking Buyers’ Pool
As environmental, social, and governance (ESG) pressures rise on firms to reduce emissions, more public companies globally are putting up non-core assets up for sale as they look to make the best of their core assets while preparing to survive and thrive in the energy transition.
This, of course, leads to more assets up for grabs. Yet, buyers are fewer as more potential investors look at the ESG profile of assets and prefer immediate cash-accretive projects.
Private equity is also among those potential buyers that will be looking closely at the ESG and emissions profiles of companies and assets.
“ESG matters to private equity, and not solely because of exit routes. Some private equity funds are feeling direct ESG pressure from their ultimate owners - the limited partners.?These backers often include institutions such as pension funds, many of whom increasingly have their own net zero trajectories,” says WoodMac’s Greig Aitken, Corporate Research, and Neivan Boroujerdi, Principal Analyst, North Sea Upstream.
The limited pool of buyers in the upstream space, including private equity, will look for economically sound projects that already generate cash, the analysts say.
“New entrants, and investors who have struggled to generate adequate industry returns in the past, are unlikely to flood into the sector. For sellers looking to exit vast non-core positions, private equity buyers might be an option, but they’re unlikely to be a panacea,” Wood Mackenzie notes.
Private equity currently has mixed feelings about the increasing opportunities to invest in the upstream business, but the oil and gas industry-not only in the U.S. but worldwide-“is likely to move into a wider pool of private ownership,” WoodMac pointed out.
Deal-Making Set For Active Year In 2022
Despite the uncertainties over the attractiveness of upstream assets in the energy transition, deal-making will likely strengthen this year as oil prices rally, analysts say.
Upstream M&A deal flow could hit a multi-year high in 2022 if commodity prices hold steady, WoodMac’s Aitken and Scott Walker, Senior Research Analyst, Upstream M&A, said in their 2022 outlook of the global upstream last month.