據美國彭博新聞社報道,摩根士丹利表示,在過去12個月里,作為電動汽車電池關鍵成分的碳酸鋰的價格已經上漲了5倍。 這可能迫使電動汽車制造商將價格提高15%,這毫無疑問將傷害需求。
對于電動汽車來說,這一消息來得不是時候。 在美國等一些地區,不斷上漲的燃料零售價格推動了電動汽車需求的上升,但由于供應鏈問題持續存在,以及大多數原材料價格不斷上漲,汽車制造商已經發現很難滿足這一不斷上升的需求。
由于原材料成本不斷上漲,全球最大的電動汽車制造商CATL已經表示,該公司將提高部分產品的價格。 與此同時,特斯拉在一周內兩次上調了美國和中國市場的汽車價格。
摩根士丹利分析師在本周的報告中表示:“從歷史上看,電池價格成本曲線已經連續多年以每年3%至7%的速度下降,這幾乎是不可避免的。但分子并不遵循摩爾定律。 世界已經變了,投入成本的新模式也隨之改變了。”
李峻 編譯自 美國油價網
Lithium Price Surge Jeopardizes Energy Transition Efforts
Soaring lithium prices are threatening energy transition efforts as EV battery makers will be forced to hike the prices for their products by as much as 25 percent, Morgan Stanley has warned.
Over the past 12 months, the bank said, as quoted by Bloomberg, the price of lithium carbonate, which is a key ingredient in electric vehicle batteries, has jumped five times. This may force EV manufacturers to hike prices by up to 15 percent, hurting demand.
The news comes at a bad time for EVs. Rising retail fuel prices in some parts of the world, such as the United States, are driving higher EV demand, but carmakers are already finding it hard to satisfy it amid persistent supply chain problems and the rising prices of most raw materials.
Because of the rising costs of raw materials, the world’s largest EV manufacturer CATL has already said it would be raising the prices for some of its products. Tesla, meanwhile, raised the prices for its cars for the U.S. and Chinese markets twice in a single week.
“Historically, the battery price cost curve had been declining at a pace of 3% to 7% annually for so many years in a row it almost seemed inevitable,” Morgan Stanley analysts said in their note this week. “But molecules don’t play by the same rules as Moore’s Law. The world has changed, and along with it is a new paradigm of input costs.”
The electrification of transport is one of the pillars on which energy transition plans stand, along with a buildup in renewable energy generation capacity and hydrogen.