據OE網站12月7日報道,馬來西亞油氣公司馬來西亞國家石油公司(Petronas Carigali)周三宣布,在馬來西亞SK306區塊的Nahara-1井發現了石油和天然氣。
馬國油勘探副總裁Mohd Redhani Abdul Rahman表示:“我們對這一發現及其對周邊地區未來勘探工作的影響感到高興。Nahara-1是PCSB在過去十年內的一次重大石油發現。這證明了馬來西亞高產盆地的巨大潛力,這些盆地仍然具有很好的前景。”他補充道,這一發現也加強了PCSB目前的勘探策略,即重新關注其在馬來西亞盆地的勘探工作。
郝芬 譯自 OE
Petronas Makes 'Significant' Oil & Gas Discovery Offshore Malaysia
Malaysian oil and gas company Petronas Carigali on Wednesday announced an oil and gas discovery at the Nahara-1 well in Block SK306, in Malaysia.
The discovery is located in the shallow waters of Balingian Province, about 150 kilometers from Bintulu, off the coast of Sarawak, offshore Malaysia.
"The Nahara-1 well was successfully drilled to a total depth of 2,468 meters and encountered hydrocarbon in the Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene aged sedimentary sequences. Light oil with minimal contaminants was also established after production testing was conducted for the well," Petronas Carigali said.
Petronas Carigali is the block's operator, with a 100% participating interest in its production-sharing contract.
Petronas Vice President of Exploration, Mohd Redhani Abdul Rahman said, “We are excited with this discovery and its impact to the future exploration effort in the surrounding areas. Nahara-1 is a significant oil discovery by PCSB within the last decade. It is a testament to the vast potential in Malaysia’s prolific basins, which remain highly prospective.”
“The discovery also reinforces PCSB’s current exploration strategy of renewing focus on its exploration efforts in Malaysia’s basins,” he added.